Custom Epaulettes

Customise your epaulettes with your collar number, rank or company name.

About Our Custom Epaulettes

Recognising that every organisation has particular needs, we provide epaulettes that are specially manufactured to meet those needs. With this service, you can be confident that the epaulettes appropriately reflect your rank and role and blend in perfectly with the design of your uniform. Whether you need a custom style, distinctive embroidery, or colour palette.

Why Choose Our Custom Epaulettes?

  • Versatility: From shoulder epaulettes for police to student paramedic epaulettes, we've got you covered.
  • Precision: Each piece is meticulously embroidered, showcasing the excellence you represent.
  • Personalisation: Personalised epaulettes with chevrons or your specific insignia bring your uniform to life.
  • Quality: Our custom made epaulettes are designed to endure the rigours of your day-to-day duties.